How Eagle Ridge Barn Builders feels about working with JMAG.
As a rent-to-own partner for Eagle Ridge Barn Builders, they have consistently gone above and beyond to make our customers' dreams come true. We are more than just happy to be able to work with them.
Exceptional Customer Service:
JMAG LLC sets the gold standard for customer service. They're prompt, responsive, and always ready to assist. It's a true pleasure to work with such a dedicated team. From just questions to giving all the information you need about rent to own they are always ready to help. We offer great customer service to our customers and we are really happy with the customer service they provide.
Prompt Funding:
When it comes to funding the buildings we sell, JMAG LLC is fast and reliable. Their efficiency ensures that we can fulfill the orders with efficiency and reliably ... the way our customers expect.
Strong Relationship:
The team at JMAG LLC has done a great job in spending time with us and making sure we have everything we need. The relationship we've been able to establish with JMAG LLC is invaluable. It's easy to communicate and solve any issues that might come up, making our partnership a seamless and productive one.
More Sales:
Thanks to JMAG's rent-to-own options, we've been able to offer our products to a wider range of customers. Their flexibility and fair terms make ownership achievable for many who couldn't go the traditional financing route on their shed.
Transparent Contracts:
JMAG's contracts are simple and transparent. There are no hidden surprises, and everything makes perfect sense. This transparency builds trust with our customers and makes it easy for our salesmen to explain and educate the customer about rent to own.
Competitive Rates:
We've found JMAG LLC to offer some of the best rates in the nation for rent-to-own. With offers like 90 days same as cash and no early purchase penalty it's a win-win for us and our customers alike. Our salesmen are sold on JMAG making it easy to sell more deals.
And it's not just us singing their praises - our existing customers consistently share positive feedback about their experiences with JMAG. It's clear that this company is committed to making it a good experience. Thank you, JMAG LLC!